Avery's Diseases of Newborn 7e

W. Taeusch
Avery's Diseases of Newborn 7e
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This handy, quick-reference synopsis of the highly successful Avery's Diseases of the Newborn, 7/e is designed to literally fit in the pocket for convenient access. Its goal is to discuss and highlight pertinent information from the main text. Focusing mainly on diagnosis and treatment, the text delivers coverage of the major influences on fetal growth and development, maternal-fetal medicine, genetics and metabolism, and the diagnosis and management of all major body systems of the newborn.* Presented in concise, easy to read format for quick reference that is designed to fit in a pocket.* Offers only information that the reader needs in a clinical or educational setting, allowing for more detailed reference at a later time.* Meant to serve students and practitioners when they do not have immediate access to a computer, a full text, or other detailed reference.* Provides the essence of differential diagnosis and initial management.* Covers Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Genetics, Infections, Immunologic Defense Mechanisms, Management of all Body Systems, and much more.
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-7216-8146-7, 9780721681467
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Saunders - W. B. Saunders

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