Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae

C. Young
Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae
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The Atlas of Marine Invertebrate Larvae is the most comprehensive guide to larval form and anatomy ever produced. Each chapter provides a referenced overview of life cycles, reproduction, embryology, larval life, larval form and metamorphosis in a particular group of invertebrates. More than 1200 drawings and photographs illustrate the gross anatomy of allknown types of marine larvae and provide a visual survey of the range of larval diversity within each phylum. Most of the plates, which include some color photographs and numerous scanning electron micrographs, are original. However, the book also assembles into one place many of the best larval photographs previously published in the scientific literature. More than 50 recognized authorities on larval development from throughout the world contributed chapters and illustrative material.
Data wydania: 2001
ISBN: 978-0-12-773141-4, 9780127731414
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Academic Press
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