Arbitration Under International Investment Agreements

K. Yannaca-Small
Arbitration Under International Investment Agreements
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Investor-state arbitration is a relatively new dispute settlement mechanism that allows foreign investors the opportunity to seek redress for damages arising out of breaches of investment-related treaty obligations by the governments of host countries. Claims are submitted to independent, international arbitration tribunals, which are called upon to interpret the treaty at hand. Because of the public interest involved in these cases, the awards of these tribunals are subject to much scrutiny and debate. Thus, it has already generated hundreds of cases and created new legal disciplines, inspiring a continuous string of legal writings. This book describes the process of investor-state arbitration in all of its phases, and provides the reader with comprehensive insight into investor-state arbitration.
Arbitration Under International Investment Agreements: A Guide to the Key Issues includes contributions from many of the leading experts in the field, from private practitioners and academics to government and NGO officials. In this way, the book differs from other books on this topic because it includes contributions from all actors involved, providing more credibility in an area in which one of the main criticisms is bias against governments. This book provides pragmatic and reliable analysis of all aspects of this evolving topic.Offers commentary from a variety of contributors, all of whom are among the most renowned specialists in the field
Provides comprehensive information about investment arbitration in a clear layout
Conveys key points to the reader at a glance
Features quick reference information and guidance regarding many arbitral decisions
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-19-534069-3, 9780195340693
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Oxford University Press

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