Anatomy and Human Movement

N. Palastanga
Anatomy and Human Movement
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Now featuring full-color illustrations and a streamlined organization, this classic text is an excellent resource for studying and reviewing human anatomy and function. It offers detailed coverage of each region of the body - the upper and lower regions, head, and skin - with easy-to-understand explanations and diagrams that clarify important concepts. Bones, muscles, joints nerves, blood supply, viscera, and the nervous system are presented in connection with the upper and lower limb. Color-coded anatomy illustrations and corresponding sections of the book differentiate muscles, tendons, and nerves. Student and lecturer resources, including a complete image bank, are available through the Evolve website.Anatomy of the musculoskeletal system is presented in detail, with an emphasis on function.Coverage includes bones, muscles, joints, nerves, and blood supply associated with the upper and lower limbs.Summary boxes highlight key points within the chapters.Summary boxes highlight key points within the chapters.The Viscera and Blood Supply chapters are now incorporated within the Upper and Lower Limb sectionsNew four colour formatEasier navigation using colour coded sectionsEvolve lecturer and student resources including downloadable illustrations from the book and 'drop 'n' drag' revision exercises.
Data wydania: 2006
ISBN: 978-0-7506-8814-7, 9780750688147
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Elsevier Science Publishers

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