American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance

L. Panitch
American Empire and the Political Economy of Global Finance
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This book focuses on US-UK relations with Jordan for the entire period of King Husseins reign, explaining Hussein's successes and failures, while emphasizing the declining influence of London and the rising influence of Washington.Preface Introduction--L.Panitch and M.Konings Part I: Contours and Sources of Imperial Finance Finance and American Empire--L.Panitch and S.GindinAmerican Finance and Empire in Historical Perspective--M.Konings Part II: Constructing the Pillars of Imperial Finance US Structural Power and the Internationalization of the US Treasury--D.SaraiNeo-Liberalism and the Federal Reserve--E.NewstadtUS Power and the International Bond Market: Financial Flows and the Construction of Risk Value--S.AquannoTowards the Americanization of European Finance? The Case of Finance-Led Accumulation in Germany--T.SablowskiAccounting for Financial Capital. American Hegemony and the Conflict over International Accounting Standards--T.SablowskiFrom Bretton Woods to Neoliberal Reforms: The International Financial Institutions and American Power--R.FelderThe Role of Financial Discipline in Imperial Strategy--C.Rude
Data wydania: 2008
ISBN: 978-0-230-55126-8, 9780230551268
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Palgrave Macmillan
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