Published by K. G. Saur Verlag since 1991 the Allgemeines Künstlerlexikon follows on from its predecessors, the standard art history works Thieme-Becker (published in 37 volumes from 1907 to 1950) and Vollmer (6 volumes, 1953-1962), both rich in tradition. The AKL is accompanied by a CD-ROM edition (published twice a year) and index works, covering all entries long before the completion of the AKL. After each ten volumes come indexes by country and artistic occupation. The Künstlerlexikon der Antike (Dictionary of Artists of the Ancient World) is a useful supplement, including, for the first time, all artists of ancient times whose names are known. The Allgemeines Künstlerlexi...kon (AKL) is the most extensive, up-to-date and authoritative art-history reference work on artists. It is by no means limited to only the most famous artists: artists all over the globe and throughout the ages from antiquity to the present are recorded in this major encyclopedia. And it contains not only painters, sculptors, and architects, but gives equal weighting to sculptors in marble, restorers, and calligraphers, or craftsmen, to name but a few of the many hundreds of artistic professions found in the AKL. For each volume around 6,000 artist biographies are compiled and four volumes are published each year. Every entry offers the following clearly structured information: * Names of the artist, including all various forms of the names by which he or she was known. These variations can be found again under their own entry, cross-referenced back to the main entry. Pseudonyms, maiden names, or names previously wrongly-attributed are thus deciphered. * Dates of birth and death of the artist and distinguishing art historical characteristics. * Information regarding the influence of this artist on his or her cultural environment. * A selection of the artist