Air Transport and the Environment

B. Daley
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Air Transport and the Environment provides a clear, accessible account of aviation environmental impacts that reflects the latest developments in science, technology, policy and economic development. It explores a range of responses, mitigation strategies and issues relating to air transport and the environment. The book emphasizes the relationship between aviation environmental impacts, environmental policy and sustainable development.The book will be essential reading for professionals within the air transport industry, including airport environment managers and environment officers, industry representatives and policymakers. It will also be extremely valuable to other environmental and engineering professionals and academics, including aerospace and environmental management lecturers, airport designers, researchers and transport planners. Additionally, it is highly relevant to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students of aviation science, aeronautical engineering, air transportation studies, environmental science, environmental studies and geography.
Data wydania: 2010
ISBN: 978-0-7546-7286-9, 9780754672869
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Ashgate Publishing Company

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