Everything within the air traffic control (ATC) systems exists for the purpose of getting the airplane from Point A to Point B as efficiently as possible without hitting the ground, obstructions, or other aircraft. The key to operating effectively in the ATC system is to understand not only how the system works, but why it works the way it does The Air Traffic System provides a comprehensive analysis of the ATC system, explaining advantages and disadvantages and describing ATC activities that are often unfamiliar to pilots and can result in unexpected problems between pilot and controller. This completely revised and updated edition addresses details of recent advances in technology and procedures for both pilots and controllers. In a clear and logical style, the book progresses from basic procedures and personnel that pilots encounter in the air traffic system, through the normal sequence of interaction between pilot and controller, to solutions for emergency situations. The author, an experienced air traffic controller, pilot, and educator, also addresses the obstacles that inhibit effective communication, making practical recommendations for alleviating difficulties. The Air Traffic System was written primarily for general aviation pilots and their instructors and serves as an excellent supplementary text for courses in collegiate aviation programs. Experienced commercial pilots will find the book valuable as a refresher or when understanding of the particular challenges of general aviation flying is sometimes incomplete.