A passionate and accomplished writer, Laura Thompson now turns her highlyacclaimed biographical skills to Agatha Christie. Arguably the greatestcrime writer in the world, thirty years after her death Christie's booksstill sell over four million copies worldwide a year.Thompson describesthe Edwardian world in which she grew up, explores the relationships shehad, including those with her two husbands and daughter, and investigatesthe mysteries still surrounding Christie's life - including herdisappearance in 1926. Agatha Christie is a mystery and writing about heris a detection job in itself. But, with access to all of Christie'sletters, papers and writing notebooks, as well as interviews with hergrandson, daughter, son-in-law and their living relations, Thompson isable to unravel not only the detailed workings of Christies detectivefiction, but the truth behind her private life as well.