An effective advertising strategy is essential to stand out from the crowd. Yet time and money limitations make it difficult for entrepreneurs to get the professional help that is often sorely needed. Advertising expert Kathy J. Kobliski comes to the rescue with Advertising Without an Agency Made Easy. Sharing invaluable insight into the entire advertising process with the most up-to-date information, she instructs direct advertisers how to do it better by doing it on their own. Revealing industry secrets and cost-cutting strategies, this essential guide has something to offer business owners at all levels of experience. After a careful examination of a variety of mediums, readers will be equipped with the knowledge needed to make informed advertising decisions regarding television, radio, print, direct mail, outdoor billboards, transit and the Internet. Through hands-on techniques and easy-to-use worksheets, even those with no previous experience will be able to begin the process by immediately applying what they have learned. For small business owners who feel overwhelmed by the costly and confusing aspects of advertising, this do-it-yourself guide offers an easy and inexpensive step-by-step approach to launching a successful campaign.