Administrative Procedures

B. Ramutkowski
Administrative Procedures
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Administrative Procedures for Medical Assisting, 2nd edition addresses the most current competencies for CMA certification, CPR procedures, coding and insurance billing requirements, HIPAA regulations, and OSHA guidelines. It retains its thorough coverage of procedures. It trains students on medical office administrative procedures and equipment, infection control, and much more.Online Learning Center offers extensive chapter-specific applications and links, PowerWeb, Get Body Smart and much more. Cartridges for Distance Education are now available: WebCT, Blackboard, and eCollege.|Student CD-ROM with applications for each chapter in the text. Includes "A Day in the Life of the Medical Assistant" case studies, video clip library, audio glossary and more.|Updated and expanded information includes:*Current coding and billing practices, including HIPAA.*Use of technology in the medical office - especially more and varied uses of the Internet, including web site development, patient education, billing and coding.*OSHA issues.|Instructor's Resource Binder includes lesson plans, teaching strategies, tests and answers, SCANS competency correlation, and CMA and RMA correlation charts. Instructor Productivity CD-ROM includes full-color image bank, PowerPoint presentations, and ExamView Pro test generator.|Strong pedagogy, including boxed readings and end-of-chapter material add educational value: *Glossary includes pronunciation guide so students learn proper pronunciation of medical terms. *Career Opportunities provide information about additional careers available for medical assistants. *Educating the Patient shows how to provide the detailed instructions patients need to carry out their physician's orders. *Diseases and Disorders provides information on common medical conditions. *Tips for the Office offers suggestions for efficiently running a medical office. *End-of-chapter questions and activities help students assess their progress. |All step-by-step medical office and medical equipment procedures are fully-illustrated to show students proper techniques.|Workbook helps students prepare for the CMA exam with exercises, competency checklists, quizzes, supplemental case studies, and more|Triage, both telephone and office.
Data wydania: 2004
ISBN: 978-0-07-297450-8, 9780072974508
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: McGraw-Hill

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