Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth

Zita West
Acupuncture in Pregnancy & Childbirth
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Acupuncture in Pregnancy and Childbirth is a concise, highly illustrated and practical guide in using acupuncture to treat women throughout their pregnancy and labour. Drawing on an unparalleled wealth of experience as a midwife and an acupuncturist, the author has produced a book accessible to both acupuncture students and practitioners. It covers physiology related to pregnancy and childbirth, illuminating links between western knowledge and acupuncture approaches and suggesting points and point combinations for particular stages and actions during pregnancy and labour. Many practitioners are reluctant to treat pregnant women as they feel they lack a full understanding of pregnancy and fear harming the baby. This book provides the practical advice and instruction required to bridge that gap in knowledge and give practitioners the confidence they need. * Highly illustrated, with summary boxes and guidelines * Covers nutritional aspects of pregnancy * Gives practical advice and instruction on the use of acupuncture through the four trimesters of pregnancy and labour * Uses case examples to further illustrate the text
Data wydania: 2000
ISBN: 978-0-443-06138-7, 9780443061387
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Churchill Livingstone

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