Acquisition Essentials

D. Rankine
Acquisition Essentials
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If you are a manager who is new to the complex area of M&A, you need to learn quickly about what to look out for and what to avoid. Unprepared managers can be sucked along by the process and end up being disappointed, or even out of a job. This is the ultimate practical and easy to follow guide to Acquisitions.Acquisition activity peaked in 2000 and has since been depressed. But since 2004 we are seeing a recovery in this market and it is significantly growing. There is now a new influx of people moving into the acquisition arena, all in need of information on what can make acquisitions work, lessons from the past and guidance for the future. Acquisition is the most powerful corporate development tool available to companies and will therefore always be on the business agenda. Very practical and easy to follow: diagrams, checklists and case studies throughout. The author has an accessible style and approach. All the information you need on what can make acquisitions work, lessons form the past and guidance for the future.
Data wydania: 2005
ISBN: 978-0-273-68861-7, 9780273688617
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Financial Times

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