For a first course in Accounting Information Systems or for a general introduction for advanced AIS courses and Information Systems courses.The market-leading book that delivers the most comprehensive and flexible coverage of the four major approaches to teaching AIS. Instructors can easily reorder chapters, and focus on what you want: (a) transaction cycles and controls; (b) systems life cycle; (c) databases and data modeling; or (d) computer-based controls, fraud, and auditing. Q: Would you like to use a book that will support the exact way that you teach your course?A: Romney/Steinbart is intentionally written in a modular fashion so that you can easily reorder chapters to suit your course, and create a topical emphasis of your choosing. Flexible, modular Table of Contents - Emphasize what you want: (a) transaction cycles and controls; (b) systems life cycle; (c) databases and data modeling; or (d) computer-based controls, fraud, and auditing. OTHER KEY POINTS OF DIFFERENTIATIONQ: How do you keep up with all of the changes in this fast moving field? A: Romney/Steinbart consistently leads the way in taking current practice and incorporating it into their textbook. Sarbanes Oxley & SECTION 404 now covered in the controls chapters.- Keeps students informed and up-to-date with the most current events and issues in accounting, and how they affect the design and operation of accounting systems. New chapter on computer security.- Full chapter coverage provides a broad introduction to all dimensions of this vitally important and rapidly changing topic. Selected problems in transaction cycle chapters reference recent articles in the Journal of Accountancy.- Encourages students to become familiar with the wealth of resources provided by the AICPA and to begin to regularly read the Journal of Accountancy. In addition it provides students an opportunity to enhance their Excel and Access skills.Q: What do you do to get students to actually apply the concepts they are learning about?A: Romney/Steinbart provides a series of features aimed at getting students to see how this material can actually be used by companies. Integrated cases. Each chapter begins with an integrative case, based on a fictional company, that introduces the chapter This includes a short multiple-choice quiz that students can take to test their understanding of fundamental concepts. The answers to the quiz are also provided, along with detailed explanations of why a particular choice is the correct answer to the problem. Some chapters present a comprehensive review case with a detailed explanation of its solution. End-of-chapter discussion cases and problems. The end-of-chapter material is designed to help students develop and test their knowledge. It includes discussion questions and problems that integrate material from various parts of the chapter. Many problems were developed from reports in current periodicals. Other problems were selected from the various professional examinations, including the CPA, CMA, CIA, and SMAC exams.