Accounting for Business Studies

Aneirin Owen
Accounting for Business Studies
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Businesses are complex, and, as a result, teachers face a difficult task developing students' understanding of how they work, especially in the global context. Accounting for Business Studies helps teachers focus on modern commercial issues and integrates accounting into business and management studies. Accounting for Modern Business includes A business perspective rather than an accounting perspectiveTight pedagogic structuree-business, including case studiesGlobalisation, including case studiesBusiness skills, like interpretation, analysis and communicationIT integrated into specific business situationsRisk factors and risk reductionIncludes models such as Porter's Five Forces, Supply Chain, Product Life CycleA business perspective rather than an accounting perspectivee-business and globalisation, including case studiesBusiness skills, like interpretation, analysis and communication
Data wydania: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-7506-5834-8, 9780750658348
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Butterworth Heinemann

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