Design is all around us, it is impossible to avoid. Everything thatsurrounds us has been designed - from the paperclip and the iPod, to ourhomes and the way we live. "Design: Intelligence Made Visible" forms thedefinitive statement on design for this century. Written by Stephen Bayley,one of the world's best known commentators on modern culture and TerenceConran, one of the world's leading designers and arbiters of taste, thisnew mini edition pays tribute to the leading names, movements, materialsand processes such as furniture, fashion, cars, graphics, products, signsand symbols. The book combines essential facts with authoritative opinions- everything, as the industrial designer Raymond Loewy once said, from alipstick to a steamship - but brought right up to date. A series of essaysbegin by introducing how design has its place in modern cultural historyincluding Terence Conran's definition of design. The main section of thebook comprises an A-Z of iconic people, products and processes from 20thcentury to the present day with biographies of leading designers from pastand present, as well as corporate histories, product appraisals, and wittyaccounts of relevant management, cultural and social theories. This issimply the indispensable guide to the contents of the modern world in apocket-sized format.