A Book to Kill For

Harper Lin
A Book to Kill For
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A quiet book lover falls for a rugged carpenter... who doesn't even like to read?!?

Maggie Bell loves working at a bookshop in the charming town of Fair Haven, Connecticut. After her beloved boss passes away, his son, Joshua Whitfield, comes into town and turns Maggie’s world upside down. He wants to turn part of the store into a cafe and sell books about vampires and silly romances. Maggie is horrified. But when an electrician is killed in the middle of the bookshop renovations, Joshua is the prime suspect. Maggie must put their differences aside to clear his name. She finds herself becoming more and more attracted to Joshua. Can a mousy bookworm really fall in love with a rugged carpenter who doesn’t even like to read?
Data wydania: 2021-02-11
ISBN: 978-1-987859-82-9, 9781987859829
Język: angielski
Wydawnictwo: Independently published
dodana przez: saskia9

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