Yaya Sakuragi

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Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 1
Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 1
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi, tom 1

High school student Ao has been dreaming about his longtime neighbor Ryomei, a priest at the local Shinto shrine. A little freaked out--and a lot excited--at the prospect of having a relationship with...

Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 2
Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 2
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi, tom 2

Irritated by his own carnal impulses, Ryomei rejects Ao. But how will Ao react when he finds out Ryomei may have a marriage arrangement in the works? And what will Ryomei do when another boy who looks...

Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 3
Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 3
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi, tom 3

High school student Ao has been dreaming about his longtime neighbor Ryomei, a priest at the local Shinto shrine. A little freaked out--and a lot excited--at the prospect of having a relationship with...

Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 4
Bond of Dreams, Bond of Love, Vol. 4
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi, tom 4

High school student Ao has been dreaming about his longtime neighbor Ryomei, a priest at the local Shinto shrine. A little freaked out--and a lot excited--at the prospect of having a relationship with...

Himegoto Asobi #1
Himegoto Asobi #1
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Himegoto Asobi, tom 1

性格は正反対。生活も逆方向。交わらない二人の恋の駆け引き! 駄菓子屋を営む子連れやもめの柊至は近所のカタブツ小児科医・佐治と出会い、ひょんなことから体の関係を結んでしまう。遊びなれた柊至にとってはほんの興味にすぎなかったけれど、佐治の気持ちは違うようで…?

Himegoto Asobi #2
Himegoto Asobi #2
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Himegoto Asobi, tom 2

大人気シリーズ、急展開の第2巻! 駄菓子屋を営むバツイチ子連れの柊至は、近所の小児科医・佐治から口説かれ、成行きで関係を持つように。自覚なく佐治に惹かれていく柊至だったが、佐治が元同僚という幸久とキスしているところを目撃してしまい…?

Himegoto Asobi #3
Himegoto Asobi #3
Yaya Sakuragi
Cykl: Himegoto Asobi, tom 3

大人気シリーズ、必読の完結巻!! 成行きで結んだ興味本位から始まったつきあいだったが、多少の波乱の末、「恋人同士」に落ち着いた佐治と柊至。だが、それぞれに一人の男としての岐路を迎えていた…。

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