Pierwszy tom bestsellerowej amerykańskiej serii, która brawurowo przeniosła czarny kryminał i krwawą sensację w rzeczywistość współczesnych północnoamerykańskich Indian. Po wielu latach do rodzinnego ...
Album zawiera materiały opublikowane pierwotnie w Goddamned #1-5. Kain, syn Adama. Pierwszy morderca. Przeklęty przez Boga. Tylko on może zostać zbawcą tego odrażającego świata. Od opuszczenia Edenu p...
The final volume of the acclaimed crime series brings together all the threads laid out from the very beginning for a dramatic conclusion years in the making! Collecting Scalped #56-60.
Jason Aaron, the hot new writer of the critically acclaimed series The Other Side, teams with gritty artist R.M. Guéra for an intense crime drama that mixes organized crime with current Native America...
This volume, collecting issues #6-11 of the acclaimed new series by Jason Aaron (The Other Side), explores Dash Bad Horse's troubled origin and chronicles his day-to-day life on The Rez working for Ch...
In this third volume of the acclaimed series, collecting issues #12-18, undercover FBI agent Dashiell Bad Horse's home reservation wakes up the morning after the opening of the Crazy Horse Casino to f...
In the latest Scalped collection, featuring issues #19-24, Chief Red Crow is doing everything he can to walk the straight and narrow, but how far will he let Mr. Brass push him?
In this latest Scalped volume, collecting issues #25-29 of the acclaimed series, we see the landscape of the Prairie Rose reservation and casino through the eyes of a newcomer — a card shark and con m...
In this new collection featuring issues #30-34 of the monthly series, Red Crow commits a murder in front of witnesses and the FBI thinks they can finally put him away. Meanwhile, Dash's loyalty is tes...
In this volume collecting issues #35-42 of the acclaimed series, Red Crow sends his right-hand man, Shunka, to sort out a feud with a rival Native American casino, but Shunka becomes embroiled in a mu...
In this new Scalped collection featuring issues #43-49, Red Crow takes on a new challenger for tribal leadership, Dash pursues his mother's murderer, and Officer Falls Down faces a most unusual captiv...
n this volume collecting Scalped #50-55, war breaks out on the reservation as Red Crow loses his grip on the reins and Dash Bad Horse faces his toughest and fiercest foe yet.
Finał jednej z najlepszych amerykańskich serii ostatnich lat. Tajny agent FBI Dashiell Zły Koń w końcu dowiedział się, kto kilka miesięcy wcześniej zabił jego matkę na odludnej drodze w Południowej Da...
W ostatnim tomie swoich przygód Gromowładny musi stawić czoło zupełnie innemu wrogowi – niesławnej korporacji Roxxon, która niszczy ziemskie środowisko, a na domiar złego sprzymierzyła się z trollami....