Michael Burda

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19 wydań
Leslie P. Gartner, Michael Burda, R. Dornbusch, Michael A. Leeds ...

This book offers a new approach to the subject of macroeconomics. Drawing upon his vast experience of teaching, researching and advising the U.S. government on Economy policy has enabled the author to...

Macroeconomics A European Text
Macroeconomics A European Text
Michael Burda

Building upon the considerable success of previous editions, Macroeconomics 4/eprovides a comprehensive analysis of modern macroeconomics within both a European and a global context. Competing theoret...

Macroeconomics European Text
Macroeconomics European Text
Michael Burda

Building upon the success of previous editions, Macroeconomics 3/e provides a comprehensive analysis of modern macroeconomics within both a European and a global context. Competing theoretical approac...

Makroekonomia. Podręcznik europejski
2 wydania
Makroekonomia. Podręcznik europejski
Michael Burda, Charles Wyplosz

W wiadomościach codziennie jest mowa o bezrobociu, inflacji, stopach procentowych, kursach walutowych i notowaniach giełdowych. To, co dzieje się na świecie, powoduje, że poznanie makroekonomii staje...

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