Juliet Marillier

Autor 24 czytelników
Zostań fanem autora:
8.0 /10
32 oceny z 3 książek,
przez 24 kanapowiczów


Córka Lasu
Córka Lasu
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Siedmiorzecze, tom 1

Córka Lasu jest początkiem cyklu Siedmiorzecze, niepodobnego do żadnego innego: zawiera w sobie mieszankę historii i fantastyki, mitu i magii, legendy i miłości. Podobnie jak Mgły Avalonu autorstwa Ma...

Syn cieni
Syn cieni
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Siedmiorzecze, tom 2

Kontynuacja „Córki lasu” – pierwszej, zjawiskowej powieści Juliet Marillier. „Syn cieni” to dalszy ciąg historii pięknej Sorchy, odważnej młodej kobiety, która rzuciła na szalę swój los, by wyzwo...

Epopeja. Legendy fantasy
Epopeja. Legendy fantasy
Trudi Canavan, Robin Hobb, Patrick Rothfuss, praca zbiorowa ...

Ceniony redaktor John Joseph Adams przedstawia szesnaście opowiadań najbardziej znanych autorów współczesnej epickiej fantastyki. Jedna z pięciu najlepszych antologii fantastyki 2013 roku, znalazła si...

Blade of Fortriu
Blade of Fortriu
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: The Bridei Chronicles, tom 2

The kingdom of Fortriu has enjoyed five years of peace since Bridei came to the throne. Now the king is preparing for the long-awaited war that he hopes will see the Gaelic invaders driven from the we...

Child of the Prophecy
Child of the Prophecy
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 3

Magic is fading... and the ways of Man are driving the Old Ones to the West, beyond the ken of humankind. The ancient groves are being destroyed, and if nothing is done, Ireland will lose its essentia...

Cybele's Secret
Cybele's Secret
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Wildwood, tom 2

At seventeen, scholarly Paula embarks on an adventure – a trip to Istanbul with her merchant father, Teodor, to purchase an ancient artefact known as Cybele’s Gift. Paula’s fervent wish to rediscover ...

Daughter of the Forest
Daughter of the Forest
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 1

Lovely Sorcha is the seventh child and only daughter of Lord Colum of Sevenwaters. Bereft of a mother, she is comforted by her six brothers who love and protect her. Sorcha is the light in their lives...

Flame of Sevenwaters
Flame of Sevenwaters
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 6

When Maeve, twenty year old daughter of Lord Sean of Sevenwaters, accompanies a skittish horse back to Erin, she must confront her demons. For Maeve carries the legacy of a childhood fire in her cripp...

Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Saga of the Light Isles, tom 2

Fail to cross the Fool's Tide while the strange midsummer calm lulls the roiling currents, and the sea will have you if the enemy does not... At his coming of age, Thorvald learns a devastating secre...

Heir to Sevenwaters
2 wydania
Heir to Sevenwaters
Juliet Marillier

uliet Marillier returns to the realm of Sevenwaters in this glorious stand-alone novel set in the world which became an instant Fantasy classic. The chieftains of Sevenwaters have long been custodians...

Raven Flight
Raven Flight
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Shadowfell, tom 2

Neryn thought she had lost everything and could trust no one, not even her mysterious companion, Flint. But when she finds refuge at the rebel base of Shadowfell and discovers her canny gift as a Cal...

Seer of Sevenwaters
Seer of Sevenwaters
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 5

Sibeal has always known that she is destined for a spiritual life, and is committed to it with all her heart. Before making her final vows, she travels to the northern island of Inis Eala to spend the...

Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Shadowfell, tom 1

Sixteen-year-old Neryn is alone in the land of Alban, where the oppressive king has ordered anyone with magical strengths captured and brought before him. Eager to hide her own canny skill--a uniquely...

Son of the Shadows
Son of the Shadows
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 2

Beautiful Sorcha is the courageous young woman who risked all to save her family from a wicked curse and whose love shattered generations of hate and bridged two cultures. It is from her sacrifice th...

The Caller
The Caller
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Shadowfell, tom 3

Neryn has made a long journey to perfect her skills as a Caller. She has learned the wisdom of water and of earth; she has journeyed to the remote isles of the west and the forbidding mountains of the...

The Dark Mirror
The Dark Mirror
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: The Bridei Chronicles, tom 1

When the child Bridei is sent to the kingdom of Fortriu to be raised by Broichan, a powerful druid, he knows only that he must be studious and obedient. Bridei applies himself to learning, unaware tha...

The Well of Shades
The Well of Shades
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: The Bridei Chronicles, tom 3

Sent home to Ireland on a secret mission for King Bridei of Fortriu, Faolan must first deliver the news of a brave warrior's death. Unexpectedly, Bridei's chief assassin and spy also finds himself fac...

Twixt Firelight and Water: A Tale of Sevenwaters
Twixt Firelight and Water: A Tale of Sevenwaters
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Sevenwaters, tom 5

Long ago, the sorceress Lady Oonagh cast a curse over her own child. Now a druid, an ill-tempered raven and an adventurous young woman are drawn together as the time approaches for the evil magic to b...

Wildwood Dancing
Wildwood Dancing
Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Wildwood, tom 1

High in the Transylvanian woods, at the castle Piscul Draculi, live five daughters and their doting father. It's an idyllic life for Jena, the second eldest, who spends her time exploring the mysterio...

Juliet Marillier
Cykl: Saga of the Light Isles, tom 1

Growing up on a farm in Rogaland, Norway, all Eyvind has ever wanted is to become one of the greatest Viking warriors-a Wolfskin-and fight for his leader in the name of the Warfather god, Thor. But hi...


(...) na każdy konflikt można spojrzeć z dwóch stron. Zaczyna się od czego niewielkiego, od nieprzemyślanych słów czy bezmyślnego gestu. I narasta. Obie strony potrafią być niesprawiedliwe. Obie bywają okrutne.
To ty tworzysz zakończenie tej historii. Nikt inny. Możesz z nim zrobić, co zechcesz. Dla twojego bohatera jest tyle dróg, ile gałęzi ma wielkie drzewo. Są wśród nich cudowne i straszne, proste i pokręcone. Krzyżują się, rozdzielają i splatają, a ty możesz pójść którąkolwiek z nich.
Moje stopy będą stąpać lekko jak jeleń w lesie (...). Mój umysł będzie czysty jak woda w świętej studni, Moje serce będzie silne jak wielki dąb. Mój duch rozłoży skrzydła i poleci naprzód. Oto droga prawdy.


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