Annie Di Donna
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Annie Di Donna

Autorka 6 czytelników
9 /10
4 oceny z 1 książki,
przez 4 kanapowiczów
Annie Di Donna was born in Philippeville, Algeria, of French parents. She studied graphic arts at the École Superieure des Arts Decoratifs, Grenoble, and painting at the École des Beaux Arts, Annecy. She worked for some years as a graphic designer and artistic director for commercial films, before starting to train as an animator.

From 1987 until 1991, she worked as animator in many productions of France Animation and Canal Plus, among them Babar and Tintin. In 1991 she came to Athens with her husband, Alecos Papadatos, where they worked to create a new studio. For over ten years, Annie worked as script-writer, production co-ordinator and animation director for children’s animated television series, as well as many animated commercials. From the spring of 2004 to summer 2008, she worked full-time on Logicomix.


Logikomiks. W poszukiwaniu prawdy
Logikomiks. W poszukiwaniu prawdy
Annie Di Donna, Apostolos Doxiadis, Alecos Papadatos, Christos H. Papadimitriou

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