Alecos Papadatos
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Alecos Papadatos

Autor, 65 lat 6 czytelników
9 /10
4 oceny z 1 książki,
przez 4 kanapowiczów
Urodzony w 1959 roku w Grecji (Thessaloniki)
Alecos Papadatos was born in 1959 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Growing up with a natural attraction tο cartooning, Alecos learned to draw on his own, constantly scripting and drawing to the amusement of relatives and classmates. He earned a degree in Economics from the University of Thessaloniki and continued his studies at Sorbonne IV in Paris. In 1984, he abandoned economics and embarked on a new career, devoting himself exclusively to drawing cartoons.

Alecos studied and worked in Paris for six years (1984-1990), animating for Cartooneurs Associes and the subsidiary company of CANAL+, Le Studio Ellipse. At Studio Ellipse, he worked as an animator and animation director for the television series Babar (65X30’), a co-production between the Canadian Nelvana and the French CANAL+.

In 1990, Alecos returned to Athens with his wife and collaborator, Annie Di Donna, and founded his own cartoon production studio, Spicy Toons. The studio became involved in numerous projects collaborating with companies such as TF1, CANAL+ (France), Blue Mountain Productions (Switzerland), Collingwood Productions (England), Odec Kid Cartoons (Belgium), and Munich Animation (Germany) in animating and storyboarding television series and full length animation films. Between the years 1990-2003, Alecos collaborated with Greek advertising firms, supervising and designing animation projects, as well as overseeing the production of their animated cartoons, in 2D and 3D animation. Alecos’ love for drawing would eventually lead him to the Greek print media, where he wrote and drew comics for two major newspapers, Eleftherotypia and Vima. The most fascinating experience in Alecos’ professional life came with his collaboration with Apostolos Doxiadis on Logicomix.

Alecos Papadatos is currently working on a graphic novel with the temporary title, Democracy.


Logikomiks. W poszukiwaniu prawdy
Logikomiks. W poszukiwaniu prawdy
Annie Di Donna, Apostolos Doxiadis, Alecos Papadatos, Christos H. Papadimitriou

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