Andreas holds an MSc in Forest Science from Freiburg University, Germany. He has been working at EFI for more than 20 years in particular on forest biodiversity conservation, forest risks caused by natural disturbances and forest resilience management. He has extended experience on the policy context in which these topics are embedded and the role of research and practice for supporting informed policy formulation. During the last years, he has implemented numerous projects concerned with addressing the topic of integrative forest management, i.e. options on integrating nature conservation measures to managed forests. He conducted projects and activities for the European Environment Agency (also as partner of the ETC Biodiversity) for many years, acted e.g. as Working Group Leader in the COST Action “Protected Forest Areas in Europe”. He was deeply involved in the projects “Integrate” and “Integrate+” (2012 – 2017) and is now working as project manager for the Marteloscope network in INFORMAR (2017 – 2020). He has published and co-authored numerous papers and reports relating to forest biodiversity.